The Importance of Notarizing Contracts

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. In order for a contract to be enforceable, it must be signed by all parties and notarized. Notarizing a contract means that a neutral third party has witnessed the signing of the contract and can attest to its authenticity.

Why is this important? First, notarizing a contract creates a public record of the agreement. This is important in the event that there is ever a dispute about the terms of the contract or if one of the parties tries to deny that they signed it. Second, notarizing a contract demonstrates that all parties understand and agree to the terms of the agreement. This can help prevent disputes before they even start.

Notary services are usually available at your local bank or post office, but there are also mobile notaries who will come to you. Here’s what you need to do to get your contract notarized.

Notarizing Steps:

1) Gather Your Documents: The first step is to gather all of the documents that need to be notarized. This should include any contracts or agreements that you need to have witnessed and signed. Make sure that all of the documents are complete and ready to be signed before you call a notary.

2) Find a Notary Public: You can find a notary public at your local bank or post office, or you can search for a mobile notary who will come to you.  When searching for a notary, make sure that they are licensed in your state and that they have experience with witnessing signatures on contracts.  Once you’ve found a notary, give them a call to schedule an appointment.

3) Meet with the Notary: When you meet with the notary, they will ask you to present your identification so they can verify your identity. They will also review the document or documents that need to be notarized to make sure everything is in order. Once they have everything they need, they will witness your signature on the document and stamp it with their official seal.  And that’s it! Your contract is now officially notarized and ready to be enforced in court, if necessary.

Contract Notarization

A notarized contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that has been witnessed and signed by a neutral third party. Notarizing a contract creates a public record of the agreement and demonstrates that all parties understand and agree to its terms. Notary services are usually available at your local bank or post office, but there are also mobile notaries who will come to you. follow these steps to get your contract notarized: gather your documents, find a notary public, meet with the notary, present your identification, review the document, and witness your signature. And that’s it! Your contract is now officially notarized and ready to be enforced.

**Disclaimer: Notary Keeper does not confirm the accuracy of the document(s) being notarized outside of the notarial certificate. We do not legalize documents. Notary Publics cannot provide loan or legal advice, accept fees for legal advice under any circumstances, certify copies of documents recorded in the public records or notarize without an ID unless personally known by the Notary Public.